January 2023

_____, when we began sharing the gospel with some few individuals, Students kept calling their friends to hear what the Bible teaches. And immediately we found ourselves surrounded by the multitude of young men and women attentively listening to what we were sharing.  

We didn’t want to make it discussion because the crowd was very quickly growing, but we have seen the need for the gospel to this community. We took less than one hour, speaking to these students, but the impact was great. I gave my Bible away, and the demand was very big, everyone in this community was asking for one. 

They wanted us to continue speaking to them, but it was already too late for us to stay longer but we told them to come to us for more studies.I was looking at it as an exploration, and now the ministry is completely going to another level. Thank you for helping us to see this happen.  

Christmas celebration in this city was the first ever to be held by (MBBs) in North Darfur State.  It was so amazing that all believers and some of the government authorities who attended exclaimed “we didn’t know that the source of peace is only found in the Bible” 

The director of the Governor’s office encouraged believers to stand firm to proclaim the message of peace to this community. He also said, “this is the model of harmony that we want our community to develop in this country.”  

The team who lives in ​_____ was happy to experience this event in this land since they faced a lot of difficulties in Central Darfur State. But they all develop new morale that they need to move out and multiply.  We agree that year 2023 will be the year of prosperity and revival, not only in our new location but also in every corner of this region, believing that God has called each one of us to be the messenger of good news of Jesus Christ.  

One of our students said, “gospel message will not only save people from their sin, but it will also stop the blood shedding in our land” 

With your prayerful support, the ambition that is in us will make a difference in the history of this land. 

Thank you for standing behind us. 

The man in the picture is named Mu…d. He lost a leg earlier in life. He received Jesus in 2021. During the Christmas celebration in ​____, he testified to sharing the Gospel with 450 people during the previous 3 months, utilizing one of the projectors supplied by CRM. He said if he could be given a Tuktuk (3 wheeled motorcycle) he would show the films all over the city. I asked Adam if he meant in people’s homes or in public places. Adam replied “both.” What boldness!

H..... (pictured here) received her MP3 player, a Messenger from In Touch, back in 2021.  After receiving Jesus, she gave herself wholeheartedly to serving the church. She agreed to be one of the cooks for the Z.... Bible school. She has been very bold in sharing the Gospel in situations that caused others to shy away. 

Recently many Muslim families fled the Central African Republic (CAR) for Darfur. War has racked the CAR for a decade, as Islamist fighters from various countries bordering the CAR entered the country and began fighting the largely “Christian” inhabitants. Beginning last year, the Russian based Wagner group’s mercenaries have begun fighting on behalf of the CAR government. Their ruthless effectiveness has forced many Islamists to flee. Several families moved to Z.... to live thinking “our Muslim brothers there will receive us.” Two families were accepted into Husna’s home.  Through her gracious hospitality and bold witness, the members of these families have received Jesus as Lord and Savior. 

CRM exists to “Empower Gospel movements among least reached people.” The above examples are just a few of the many which could be shared to prove what new believers are capable of immediately after receiving Jesus if they are empowered.   

Your giving to CRM enabled us to supply our brethren in Sudan with Story Cloths, full Arabic Bibles, projectors, micro-SD cards, and Light Streams. In Touch donates 400 solar powered MP3 players per year, and CRM funding enables us to deliver those resources to the field. Your giving supports a leader training school in Elfashir, women’s coffee project, and other ministries. 

Aringa, Yumbe Uganda 

 Because of your generous support, in early January CRM was able to help the main leader of the Baptist house church network, Philly Tabugan, to pay off his house loan. Philly and his wife have made their house available for Sunday services, and as the headquarters for their church planting network since its inception. The Yumbe District is home to the Aringa people, and they are said to be %90 plus Muslim. Their ministry proved so effective in 2022 that local Islamic leaders went to this pastor’s employer and asked that he be transferred to a hospital located very far from Yumbe. Philly is a dentist and has worked in the Yumbe District Hospital for years.   

By paying off the loan, which amounted to $1,200, he is now able to quit that position, go into practice for himself, and continue living and working from home. This also means he can continue to provide guidance to their growing house church network. CRM sponsored this pastor and two other leaders in their theological studies at the Uganda Baptist Seminary. We have also done a Story Cloth workshop for them and provided Story Cloths, MP3 players, projectors, and micro-SD cards. They affiliate with the Baptist Convention of South Sudan (BCoSS). 

Prayer Requests: 

  1. Plans are being made for a late April Story Cloth training in Khar.....  Pray that God will pull together his team and bring to the event the Sudanese believers who will be faithful to go and train others.  Pray that tourist visas are issued and that nothing will occur in Sudan to thwart this plan, as happened twice before, i.e. Covid-19 and a military coup. 

  2. David and Carl Smith will travel to northern Tanzania Feb 13-22 to meet with Maasai leaders so as to make solid plans for evangelism and construction teams, as well as pick suitable sites for future Story Cloth training events. 

  3. Alamadin will attend a training event in Kenya next week, and afterwards travel to Khar.... with 400 In Touch supplied Messengers (MP3 players). The training is led by personnel connected to a coalition called No Place Left. Pray that Alamadin will make good connections while with this group and return to Sudan well prepared to implement and share with others all he learns. Your giving to CRM makes this possible. 

  4. Alan and Peggy McAlister will lead a Story Cloth training in Zambia in late Jan and early February for teachers affiliated with Scripture Union. Andrew Chapuma is CRM’s field partner there. Scripture Union has government permission to teach the Bible in public schools all over the country. Pray that those trained will indeed return to their home districts and train many teachers to utilize the Story Cloth in their classrooms.  

    Thank you for remembering these requests in your prayer time. Thank you for giving to make the above possible. The year 2023 is going to see a lot of kingdom advance. 

    David Crane 


February 2023


December 2023